Eagle Heights Annual HOA Meeting
January 17, 2025 4pm
Montrose County Library
Bob Stechert called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM.
1. Roll Call and Check InProxy and attendee count for Quorum
In Attendance: #1 Papineau, #7 Sanders-Peterson, #8 Sanders, #9-10 Orros, #11-28-43-44 Daneff, #13 Marcinek, #16 Keehfuss, #17 Kozak, #18 Coronado, #21 Wright, #22 Smith, #24 Crippin, #24 Seitz, #26 Conrad, #45 Stechert.Angie and Mike Williams provided proxy for their two lots. Scott and Diane Knox attended via Zoom. Quorum is achieved.
2. Proof of Notice of Meeting or Waivers of Notice
The agenda and budget were emailed to the membership with 10 days plus notice.Armando and Daniella Coronado, new owners of lot 18 were welcomed.
3. Approval of Annual Meeting Minutes November 1, 2024Sent via electronic mail to membership & posted on Eagle Heights HOA Website - eagleheightshoa.com
Minutes were approved.
4. Report of OfficersBob Stechert - President
Bob Stechert asks whether any new agenda items requested by owners of 7 or more lot are offered. None were offered; no new agenda items.
In December a set of revisions of the Governing Documents was sent to the membership with opportunity to offer comment on those red-lined revisions. No comments were offered and the revised document was approved by the Board at their January 5, 2025 meeting.
Other input for changes beyond the red-lined revisions was offered by one community member. The HOA attorney, Bo Nerlin, is reviewing those suggestions. There will be a special meeting of lot owners once his suggestions are complete.
We have received an opinion from Bo Nerlin regarding replat of maps. The plats as they exist are correct and sufficient. No replat is necessary or desirable.The County Road and Bridge graded 5950 Rd recently but did not work on the potholes at our entry. Thank you to Greg for filling those potholes for us. We are trying to determine whether the 5950 Rd bar ditch is County responsibility.
We hired a contractor to clean out the irrigation easement drain on lots 19-20, however we do not know where the water comes from. Because that ditch had not been cleaned out the water was draining onto lots 18 and 19 and onto 5950 Rd. Now that the drain has been cleaned out, it should drain properly going forward.
Bob asked that any member who has questions for the Board to discuss should forward those questions to the HOA email, not to personal email addresses of board members.
A question has been raised by one lot owner about problems with title insurance. There have been no title insurance problems with other lot sales as far as Bob is aware. Bo Nerlin was asked to look at the question of title insurance and his advice is that this is between the Title Insurance Company and lot owner. However, if there are problems with title insurance that arise, the Board is happy to talk to Title Insurance Company to resolve issue.
4. Report of Officers Cont. Greg Keehfuss - Treasurer
Taxes are complete and have been paid.The HOA fee schedule will be posted once affirmed by the Board.
Dues are increasing from $400 to $500 annually. Dues have not been increased since 2014. 2025 is the final year of the Special Assessment. Invoice for dues will go out in January and invoice for Special Assessment will go out in June. Both are due 30 days after the respective invoice is provided. By the end of 2025 we should be close to our reserve goal of $15,000.
New spending in the budget includes pond cleanup, 5950 Rd bar ditch clean-out (if we are responsible), update of governing documents and possibly fire mitigation.
5. Reports of ARBDan Daneff - ARB Chair
The only thing that the ARB has addressed since the last meeting is an inquiry about lot 12. We responded to the inquiry but have not heard back.
6. Election of members of the Executive Board
Ballots were counted by Dan Daneff and Julie Papineau.
Bob Stechert 19 votes
Ann Marie Sanders 21 vites
Karen Conrad 18 votes
Greg Keehfuss 22 votes
George Papineau 21 votes
Dan Daneff thanked Ed Kozak for his service on the Board.
Nick Orros raised issues which had been addressed previously & not on the agenda. He was unable to acquire the necessary votes needed to place items on agenda and was found to be out of order.
No Unfinished Business
No New Business
Bob Smith offers that he feels confident in the work of the board in all that they have been doing over the past 10 years that he has been in the community. He supports the dues increase and thanks to Kelly and Tom for their contributions to our community over the years, recognizing that dues would be even higher without their contributions and those of others.
Nancy Stechert moves to adjourn; simultaneously seconded by Tom Conrad and Monica Keehfuss.
Meeting Adjourned 4:48pm
Executive HOA Board Meeting - Immediately Following Annual Meeting
Montrose County Library
Executive Board Meeting 4:55pm
Board positions decided from current election
President Bob Stechert
Vice President George Papineau
Treasurer Greg Keehfuss
Secretaries Anne Marie Sanders & Karen Conrad
Meeting Adjourned 5:00pm